TARt Festival University of Twente, Enschede 1987 The first presentation, spring of 1987 at the Tart (Technology Art) festival University Twente in Enschede. Technician Andries Lohmeijer and myself won the first price. The event took place in the Amphitheatre. Imagine a black ballet floor, and black curtains. The stage was almost empty. Except for eight rocks at 3,5 distance from each other. Four rocks were placed on the floor and the others suspended at 3,5 height. They formed the cornerstones of a kube. Each rock had 3 drilled holes, meeting inside, where a bright halogen lightbulb was placed. A transparent nylon string connected the rocks and caught the rays of light showing the 12 ribs of the kube, underlining the idea of a predefined space, an interactive Kube.